Structures in C

In C, structures are like custom containers that can hold different types of data, such as numbers and words. Unlike arrays, which can only hold one type of data (like only numbers or only characters), structures can hold a mix of data types. This makes them versatile for storing diverse information efficiently in one package.

Structures in C are personalized templates created by the user to suit specific needs. For instance, imagine you want to store information about a book, like its title, author, and year of publication. You can define a structure to hold this data:

struct book {
    char title[100];
    char author[50];
    int year;

In this example, we’ve defined a structure named Book that contains three elements: title (an array of characters), author (another array of characters), and year (an integer). This structure allows us to group these pieces of information related to a book into a single entity.

The code struct Book { … }; is defining a structure named Book. However, this is just a blueprint and doesn’t allocate any memory for storing actual data. To store data, you need to create a variable of this structure type, for example:

struct book b;

This creates a variable named b of type Book, allowing you to store and manipulate data related to a book.

Here is a sample program of using structures:

#include <stdio.h>

struct my_struct
        int i;
        char c;
        float f;

int main()
        struct my_struct var;

        var.i = 155;
        var.c = 'A';
        var.f = 3.14159265359;

        printf("i = %d, c = %c, f = %f\n", var.i, var.c, var.f);


i = 155, c = A, f = 3.141593

Difference between arrays and structures

All elements in an array must be of the same data type.
Elements in a structure can be of different data types.
Accessing Elements:
Elements in an array are accessed using an index (e.g., array[0]).
Elements in a structure are accessed using their respective names (e.g., structure_element.field).
Usage and Purpose:
Arrays are used to store a collection of similar data items or elements (e.g., a list of numbers, characters, etc.).
Structures are used to organize related data of different types into a single unit, representing an entity with multiple attributes.
Elements of an array are initialized using braces and commas (e.g., int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};).
Structure elements are initialized by specifying the structure name and assigning values to each element (e.g., struct Person p = {“John”, 30};).

Padding in c structures

In C, padding in structures refers to the automatic insertion of unused bytes between members of a structure in order to align them properly in memory. This padding is done for performance optimization and efficient memory access, especially for certain types of hardware.

The amount of padding is determined by various factors, including the size and alignment requirements of the members within the structure. The sizeof operator can be used to determine the size of a structure, including any padding.

Here’s an example to illustrate padding in structures:

#include <stdio.h>

struct Example {
    char a;    // 1 byte
    int b;     // 4 bytes (on a typical 32-bit system)
    char c;    // 1 byte

int main() {
    struct Example example;
    printf("Size of struct Example: %d\n", sizeof(example)); 

    return 0;


Size of struct Example: 12

To minimize padding, you can order the members by size, from largest to smallest. For example:

struct Example {
    int b;     // 4 bytes
    char a;    // 1 byte
    char c;    // 1 byte

In this reordered structure, padding is reduced because the larger int member comes first. to avoid this reording we use #pragma pack(1)

#pragma pack(n) is a preprocessor directive in C and C++ that controls the alignment of structure members. It’s used to pack the structure members to a specific alignment boundary, effectively reducing or eliminating padding.

For example, using #pragma pack(1) will align the structure members to a 1-byte boundary, minimizing padding:

#pragma pack(1)  // Set alignment to 1 byte

struct Example {
    char a;    // 1 byte
    int b;     // 4 bytes
    char c;    // 1 byte

int main() {
    printf("Size of struct Example: %zu\n", sizeof(struct Example));

    return 0;


Size of struct Example: 6

In this example, #pragma pack(1) reduces the total size of the structure by minimizing padding. However, be cautious when using this pragma, as it may affect performance due to potential unaligned memory access, especially on architectures that require aligned access for certain data types.