Programs on numbers
- Find the Sum of digits of a given number
- Reverse the digits of a given number
- Find the value of x power y
- Print the first n prime numbers
- Factorial of a number
- Fibonacci series
- Find the LCM of given two numbers
- Find the HCF of given two numbers
Bit operations
- Find the number of set bits of a given number
- Set, clear, toggle a given bit of a given number
- Set, clear, toggle n bits from position p of a given number
- Reverse the digits of a given hex value
- Reverse the bits in a given number
- Replace n bits from position p in x variable with y variable
- Implement rotation of bits of a given number
1-D Arrays
- Assign a 1-D array with random values
- Remove prime numbers in an array
- Find the largest and smallest element in an Array
- Find the Second largest and second smallest element in an Array
- Reverse the elements in an Array
- Find the duplicate elements in an array and remove them
- Write a function to store string from stdin dynamically.
- Remove vowels in a given string
- Convert the case of characters for a given sentence
- Reverse the given sentence or string
- Reverse words in the given sentence
- Replace a selected word with a given word for a given sentence